Sunday, November 30, 2008

Friday, November 28, 2008

The following videos represent my latest sources of inspiration. I believe everyone needs to find something to keep them going every day. For me, at this juncture in my life, and at this time of year, the relationships between puppies and cats, lions and amateur lion tamers, and a young Robert Redford and Old West villains are truly inspirational. For I am a man of peace, driven wild, a confident cat backed into a corner by a naive throng of misfits, and a lion released into the wild who never forgets who set me free.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hubble Finds Extrasolar Planets Far Across Galaxy

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has discovered 16 extrasolar planet candidates orbiting a variety of distant stars in the central region of our Milky Way galaxy. The planet bonanza was uncovered during a Hubble survey, called the Sagittarius Window Eclipsing Extrasolar Planet Search (SWEEPS). Hubble looked farther than has ever successfully been searched for extrasolar planets. Hubble peered at 180,000 stars in the crowded central bulge of our galaxy 26,000 light-years away or one-quarter the diameter of the Milky Way's spiral disk. The results will appear in the Oct. 5 issue of the journal Nature. Read more: * NASA Press Release [ http://hubblesite.o…]

NASA [],
ESA [ http://www.spacetel…],
G. Bacon (STScI [ http://www.stsci.ed…])

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

(Associated Press)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008

These people are celebrating the outcome of Prop 8.

These people think the above people are assholes.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Abner Mikva

He is a long-time political supporter of Senator Barack Obama. A New York Times article (June 4, 2008 - "Man in the News" by Michael Powell) noted that Mikva offered Obama a law clerk position in his judicial office after Obama graduated from law school. Obama declined the offer. Mikva became Obama's political advisor and suggested he learn more effective public speaking from observing preachers. The NY Times article quotes Mikva: “He listened to patterns of speech, how to take people up the ladders. It’s almost a Baptist tradition to make someone faint, and, by God, he’s doing it now.”